Project Rise

Last week, we celebrated our Project Rise fall cohort graduates with a graduation ceremony. Our Project Rise coordinator, Emily, recognized every grad with a certificate and kind words about their strengths and what makes them unique. The grads all spoke highly of the program and...

Many ICCS clients face barriers to employment and re-connection to the community, based on adversity in their past, and the stigma of their present. Project Rise aims to fill that gap, supporting clients who have moved towards independence in housing but are unable to access...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The current cohort of Project Rise, now back at out Bowen Road location, is well into their pre-employment training part of the program when I connect with some of the participants. It is always inspiring to talk to them and find out how they heard...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A few weeks ago, I met with Emily, our Project Rise coordinator, and two program participants, to chat with them about their experience as well as their hopes for the future. My first interviewee, Fanny, tells me she heard about Project Rise at Samaritan Place, one...

Our current Project Rise cohort participants are well into their work placement part of the program after having finished their in-class training portion. Training looked a bit different this cohort as it had to be relocated to a room at the Aquatic Center due to...

Fall is here and the weather has turned cold. Our Project Rise participants are enjoying their last week of workshops and trainings before they are moving on to the next step in the program, their work placements. I sit down with three of the participants...

By Debbie Crosby ICCS Storytelling volunteer It’s not every day that one has the privilege of meeting a hero. I’m grateful that I did recently, in the Island Crisis Care Society Offices above the Nanaimo Bakery. Reese, a soft spoken, well dressed young man had...