Videos of Hope

Thousands of people have lived, worked, and volunteered at Samaritan House since it opened in 1989. Below are a few of their stories, which touch on the life-changing outcomes ICCS programs offer.

After living most of her life with undiagnosed autism, Christine became homeless. At Samaritan House, she found not only a safe place to sleep but also the support and care she needed.

Melissa became homeless in her 60s. Sadly, this is becoming more and more common in Nanaimo.

Barbara volunteers at Samaritan House and has donated to the More Room for Hope campaign. In her words, “If we all took a moment to share or to think about sharing, whether it’s our time or resources, we would all have a lot.”

Violet is the executive director of Island Crisis Care Society. She says it’s extremely difficult to turn women away knowing there isn’t anywhere for them go.