Mary’s Place


supportive housing Nanaimo

Newcastle Place Nanaimo

Orca Place Nanaimo

Samaritan Place Nanaimo

womens support services

Mary's Place Nanaimo

Samaritan place bridge to housing

assisted living and specialized services

supportive recovery Nanaimo

Safe Harbour House Nanaimo

The Bridge Nanaimo

Hirst House Nanaimo

crescent house Nanaimo

community connection Nanaimo

community programs

Project Rise Nanaimo

LifeSkills for Community Connection

rent subsidies

rising hope community kitchen

drop-in center

Marys Place Nanaimo

Mary’s Place provides support to women who are seeking an environment that supports sobriety while they transition from homelessness to independent living. Living together in a communal house, with shared cooking and living spaces, up to six women at any one time can live at Mary’s Place, each with their own private room but sharing in learning, growth and community life.

While the women live essentially on their own, an Outreach worker visits daily to ensure that they are on track and have all they need. Many are moving towards real independence in the community, and small supports like a safe space, a tranquil garden, and a bus pass to get out and about when necessary all help to make this happen.

Stays can be from 30 days to 2 or 3 years in this high barrier “dry” environment. The goal is to help women move towards independence and self-sufficiency, with a commitment to a recovery-focused lifestyle.

ICCS provides outreach support to clients in Mary’s Place, and our rent subsidy program in Nanaimo. For clients in Mary’s Place, an ICCS outreach worker visits regularly to provide support such as coaching, connection to services, accompaniment to appointments, and other assistance.

For clients in our rent subsidy program, ICCS outreach workers perform monthly check-ins.