Many ICCS clients face barriers to employment and re-connection to the community, based on adversity in their past, and the stigma of their present. Project Rise aims to fill that gap, supporting clients who have moved towards independence in housing but are unable to access the employment market take the next steps forward to regain the rhythm of community life.
Andrew, one of our current cohort participants, heard about Project Rise from Emily, our Project Rise coordinator, who did a presentation at Newcastle Place where Andrew was staying.
What stands out for Andrew about the program are the people and the structure the program provides. In addition, he points out how valuable the courses and certifications are.
For his future, Andrew would like to work with the Unitarian Shelter.
Chloe heard about Project Rise at Samaritan Place. It was Alexis, our Lifeskills coordinator, who supported her in applying to the program.
“Both Alexis and Emily are fantastic people”, Chloe notes and adds how the supportive environment is helping her stick with the program. “It’s been really good”, she adds pointing out the interactions with the other participants and the teamwork and camaraderie as highlights. “It’s a really helpful environment”, she says.
Chloe appreciates the help she receives with organization and time management. “Emily is always more than happy to talk. She also helps me communicate with other people that are on my team. The way she pays attention to everyone is great.”
Asked about her hopes and dreams for the future, Chloe says her goal is to find balance. She would like to help people with disabilities, a field she has worked in before. “It was one of my favourite things to do”, she says.
Chelsea heard about Project Rise from her community outreach worker. One of the things she likes about the program is that it has created routine in her life and helped her get out of isolation. She also points out the courses and certifications she is getting as a huge opportunity.
After graduation, she would like to find a part time job and also be self-employed. As a creative person, she is interested in running her own business selling her artistic creations online. She creates eco fashion from upcycled materials as well as mixed media and acrylic paintings.
Melody first heard about Project Rise from her boss at the social center where she was working. “That’s how I found out about it. And I said I’d be very interested in coming in.” She loves the program so far. “I think Emily’s absolutely spectacular and I like the students. The group that we’re in.” One of the things she points out is Emily’s instruction. “She is a compassionate, caring person. The role that she’s in suits her. I told her that”, Melody adds.
As far as her future is concerned, Melody’s passion is helping people. “I was helping people since I was 12 years old. Something I just like to do. That’s my calling. If I ever win the lottery, I would buy properties, build a couple of homes for the homeless to live in, and then I’d like to have something that’s a treatment center and a detox. I would love that. I am hoping one day I can bring it into reality”, she says.
Karin heard about Project Rise at Mary’s Palace from one of her roommates who went through the program before her. “She was coming home every day telling me about the program.” Now in it herself, she says that she is loving it and is starting to see some opportunities that may come about. “I’m very excited. Emily makes the class very interesting. She’s very heartfelt, empathetic, sympathetic, understanding. She puts in a lot of effort into the class to make it interesting for everybody, for every age group.”
Karen points out the trainings and certifications and how they are valuable additions to her resume. “To have that, to keep everything updated and current is so invaluable”, she adds.
The field trips that are part of the program stand out for Karen as well. “We went to the farm, to Growing Opportunities, and I really enjoyed that.” After graduation, she would like to get a job in admin and gain some financial stability and I live independently.”
Project Rise is a program of Island Crisis Care Society (ICCS) aimed to deliver pre-employment and employment skills training and work placement opportunities to people who have experienced homelessness but are now ready to re-integrate more fully into independence and community life.
Please go to our program page to find out more and to apply.