
Speak Up

We believe everyone should have a voice and be heard. On this page you will find ways to let us know what is on your mind.

Competence and Trust

Two of our core values are competence and trust. In order to live out these values we need feedback on how we are doing and if our clients, employees, and others can count on us to be responsible and reliable. We engage with various stakeholders and constituents through surveys, evaluations, and the options on this page.

Suggestions for Successful Feedback

With both kudos and complaints we respond better and faster when we know the facts and details of a situation including the date and time an event was witnessed, as well as the people involved. We take formal complaints seriously and commit to investigate and respond within five (5) business days from when the complaint was received.

Clients, Program Participants, and Residents

We value feedback from our clients and residents and are committed to improving service based on the concerns, complaints, and kudos we receive.

Policy 8.18.B states that, “All ICCS programs will ensure that all clients in the program have opportunity to express concerns, complaints, and grievances without diminishment of service.”

Please select a form option to the right. These forms helps us manage the submissions we receive and make sure they get to the right people.

You can also reach out directly to the contacts below.


If you are a client who has received service in one of our programs the following forms are available for you to provide feedback:

  1. Client Complaint Form
  2. Client Program Evaluation Form (coming soon)
  3. Kudos and Compliments Form 


Samaritan Place, Mary’s Place, Rent Subsidies

Newcastle Place

Orca Place, Oceanside Outreach


Nanaimo – Crescent House, Safe Harbour House, the Bridge

Parksville – Hirst House



Project Rise

Sharon (Project Rise Coordinator)

LifeSkills for Community Connection

Alexis (Life Skills Coordinator)

Volunteer Program

Sara (Volunteer Coordinator)


Employees have many ways to express their concerns and complaints. If you are an ICCS employee please check the “Concerns and Complaints” tile on ADP homepage for all your options. We also encourage employees and volunteers to speak with others they work with to resolve issues directly when possible. If informal resolution was not possible or if you have other concerns, please speak directly with your immediate supervisor. In the majority of cases the supervisor will be able to address the matter directly, or can seek additional supports.


Looking for a specific person at ICCS to give feedback to or seek support from? A full list of contacts is available to employees on the shared drive in the Employee Resources folder. It is called the Who to Contact Guide. 



Michelle (Director of Operations)

Concerns related to Operations and Facilities can be addressed directly to program managers or you can contact Michelle directly. Common concerns and complaints Michelle can resolve include:

  • Working conditions
  • Safety and WorksafeBC
  • Client rights and client treatment
  • Concerns with Facilities and Equipment

Development, Communications, Community Programs

Corrie (Director of People, Culture, and Engagement)

Development, and Communication concerns and complaints can be addressed to department specialists and program coordinators or you can contact Corrie directly. Common concerns and complaints Corrie can resolve include:

  • Concerns about community programs
  • Fundraising and development projects
  • HR department systems
  • Publication errors

Policy and Research

Richard (Director of Policy, Research, and Projects)

Richard receives complaints and concerns about Policy Documents and Policy infractions and is involved in gathering information related to complaints that require executive review.


Violet (Executive Director)

Violet receives many communications per day. If your concern or complaint can not be resolved by others, Violet will be happy to provide her attention. She commonly addresses concerns related to:

  • Community Advisory Committees
  • Public Relations
  • Concerns regarding Funder relationships
  • Legal and Regulatory Concerns

Community Members

We appreciate hearing from the public.

If you feel that you or someone you know has not been treated fairly or professionally at ICCS, please let us know.  We set high standards for our programs and services and appreciate hearing when we miss the mark. We also value hearing about exceptional care, kindness, and conduct shown by our employees and volunteers. It gives us great pleasure to offer reports of excellence to these dedicated and exceptional people.


If you are a community member and wish to give feedback on our performance:


You can also send your feedback to our Administrative Assistant who will forward your feedback to the right person.

Whistle Blower Image

ICCS fosters a culture of integrity and accountability by encouraging whistleblowing and the act of speaking up.  Whistle-blowing is different from a complaint, it is a report of wrongdoing or other serious activity that may harm the organization, workforce, public, or environment.

Before completing a report, please consult the ICCS Whistleblower Policy. Then use the following form:

Whistle-blower form: